
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

My Clay Creations


  1. Hi Zion,
    Kia Ora. I really enjoyed reading all the information that you have written about clay. Your clay figures are so detailed. Very artistic. Do you think you can be an artist when you grow up or an Art teacher? I think you can.
    Well done. Keep up the fantastic sharing up on your blog.

  2. Kia Ora Zion,
    I really liked all your ideas that make it artistic and really crated with joy and I really loved all detail on your clay art. I understand most things about clay and enjoyed reading your speech about it. Do you think you can help me one day to become a artist like you? Keep up the great effort in your work and keep working hard and achieve your goals.

  3. Talofa Zion,
    I really like how you have taken a photo of your clay creations and your favorite clay creations. I also like how you have put detail to make your clay art creative. Your clay figures are very detailed and creative. You could be an artist, painter, art teacher, finger painting artist and a person that passes on their creations to their children when they grow up.

    1. How long did it take you to make your clay creations?
    2. What did you use to make those little detail parts?
    3. Did you have some help from your Mum or Dad?

    I would like to see more of your clay creations on your blog.
    Bye Bye Zion.

    1. Hello Francisco

      Sorry it has been so long to reply to this but yeah

      Answers to questions:

      1.I take about 30 minutes to create each
      2.I don't have very good tools so I use the sharp bit of toothpicks
      3.I never use help from my mum and dad because I know what I am doing- Ow! a toothpick?!... maybe I kind of know what I'm doing.

      I will make a part 2 *Spoiler* It is about Pokemon.
      These are nothing close to what I can really make, but until I make part 2, have a good day Cisco.

  4. Hi Zion I liked all the clay figures you have made and I like the way you have added lots of detail to your writing.Keep up the great work👍

