
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Maui and the giant fish

1.Maui was the youngest of the brothers and the brothers never let him do any fishing.

2.Maui had the precious bone his their ancestor's gift to him and used it as a piece of material for the rod.(fishing rod)

3.Maui caught the biggest fish there was in the ocean and brought it back to his home island called Hawaiki now known as Aotearoa.


  1. Wow that is a big well I mean like it is sort of big but it is amazing and fantastic.

  2. Hi Zion. I enjoyed seeing what you learned from the story.Have you read any other stories about Maui?

  3. Hey Zion,

    Interesting story Zion, keep reading and writing more stories of Maui.

    Well done! Keep blogging Zion :)

    1. Okay I'll be smarter and smarter before you know it.

  4. Buddy I am back and you are a very good writer and I like the colour red and you should change the font not to be offensive ok see you in my last comment😁😁😁😁😎😎😎😎.
